Well integrity online training

Well Integrity Training

Our well integrity digital training course is designed to boost awareness of core well integrity principles, and is already being rolled out to thousands of offshore workers.

Joining forces with leading Operators Spirit, Total and Neptune Energy, we have developed a digital training initiative designed to overcome the challenges of well integrity awareness training.

Developed using Norwell EDGE digital learning technology, the programme uses micro-learning, animation, video, quizzes and 3D virtual game scenarios. This multi-layered approach has been proven to significantly boost user engagement and knowledge retention when compared with traditional classroom-based training.

  • Aligned with OEUK's well life cycle integrity guidelines

  • Integrates seamlessly with company learning management systems and competency platforms

  • Pre and post module assessment available

  • Role-specific module allocation

  • Accessible anywhere, on any device

The first phase of the programme offers an introductory series of three modules giving personnel an introduction to wells from the ground up. The second phase includes seven detailed well integrity modules designed to boost overall awareness and give a solid foundation in the key well integrity principles.

To arrange a demonstration today, get in touch at info@norwelledge.com